月別アーカイブ: 2014年3月

rustgraphy #1 錆写真

新しい写真の表現として錆写真 ( rustgraphy : 僕の造語) という作品を作っています。
この錆写真という方法はけっこう前から温めていた案なのですが、先月写真企画室ホトリで開催した「写真の音色2」という展示でやっと作品として発表することができました。勝手に rustgraphy または rust-graphy と名付けようと思います。


I deviced a new method of photography ” rustgraphy “, it created from the rust. The rust is callsed “Sabi” in Japanese.
I planed long time to portray a photograh by the rust, and finally I present it by rust-graphy in exhibition “Sound of photography 2” at “Hotori (creative art space for photography, it is located in Asakusabashi Tokyo Japan)”.And, I decided to name this method ” rustgraphy “.
What is “Rustgraphy”? this is simple, just created by the rust of steel (I may use other matrial). Silver salt photography present the photo by silver chloride or silver bromide, but rustgraph replace these silver compound to steel compound.
The reason I try this method is… aso simple, I think this is cool. But most important thing is that the rust color, shape and texture will change across the ages naturally. The secular change can present the frlow of time and the emotion in a human. This is very exciting.
I will introduce this method from now on.

Rustgraphy untitled3 錆写真

” rust photography ” on Exhibition “Sound of Photography 2” created by Kino Koike

Rustgraphy untitled3 錆写真

” rust photography ” on Exhibition “Sound of Photography 2” created by Kino Koike

Rustgraphy untitled3 錆写真

” rust photography ” on Exhibition “Sound of Photography 2” created by Kino Koike

Rustgraphy untitled3 錆写真

” rust photography ” on Exhibition “Sound of Photography 2” created by Kino Koike

Today’s bread and Coffee #1

Not usually, but I eat little bit rich bread and drink some coffee weekend.

" Chocolate Corne and soy bean milk bread  "  Saint German bread shop /  Digital Camera / camera: Sony NEX-6 + Carl Zeiss Jena DDR MC Flektogon 35mm F2.4

” Chocolate Corne and soy bean milk bread ” Saint German bread shop / Digital Camera / camera: Sony NEX-6 + Carl Zeiss Jena DDR MC Flektogon 35mm F2.4

" corn bread  "  Saint German bread shop /  Digital Camera / camera: Sony NEX-6 + Carl Zeiss Jena DDR MC Flektogon 35mm F2.4

” corn bread ” Saint German bread shop / Digital Camera / camera: Sony NEX-6 + Carl Zeiss Jena DDR MC Flektogon 35mm F2.4

Kona Mountain Coffee and Sea Mountain Kau Coffee

” Kona and Kau coffee brend ” Kona Mountain Coffee and Sea Mountain Kau Coffee / Digital Camera / camera: Sony NEX-6 + Carl Zeiss Jena DDR MC Flektogon 35mm F2.4

[exhibition] Sound of Photography 2 – 写真の音色2

このdezowazoという言葉はフランス語の”des oiseaux(鳥たち)”から来ています。こういうのもちょっと恥ずかしいけれども焼き鳥好きの酒好きの友人たちと結成したグループです。このグループでの展示は今回で3回目。今年は第1回で開催して好評だった「写真の音色」の2回目です。
「写真の音色」という企画は、写真と音楽の融合を楽しんでもらおうというコンセプト。来場者の方々にXperiaやiPhoneなどで音楽を聞きながら作品を感じてもらおうという試みです。僕はアイスランドのアーティストであるシガーロス(Sigur Rós)の「()」というアルバムに入っている「untitled3」にインスパイアされ制作した作品を展示しました。そのときの自分の作品に関する詳細はこちら。写真企画室ホトリのサイトでも展示の様子をsaorinが詳しくレポートしてくれています(Link: dezowazoグループ展 写真の音色レポート

The photography art group “dezowazo” hold the photo exhibition every year.
A word “dezowazo” was named from “des oiseaus” in French, it means birds. The group “dezowazo” consist of “Yakitori and Sake (roasted chicken and alcohol drink)” loavers. And we held exhibitions third times, and this is 2nd times sound of photography.
The concept of exhibition “Sound of Photography” is to get participate excite about synchronization between music and photography. We handed Sony Xperia and iPhone to audience, and they listen the each music and see each photography works. My work is inspired by “Sigur Rós -untitled3- in ()”. My work is described in this post.

sound of photography

” exhibition, sound of photography2 ” at Fotori creative art space for photography

" exhibition, sound of photography2 " at Fotori creative art space for photography

” exhibition, sound of photography2 ” at Fotori creative art space for photography, Link: ingenue

" exhibition, sound of photography2 " at Fotori creative art space for photography

” exhibition, sound of photography2 ” at Fotori creative art space for photography

" exhibition, sound of photography2 " at Fotori creative art space for photography

” exhibition, sound of photography2 ” at Fotori creative art space for photography

" exhibition, sound of photography2 " at Fotori creative art space for photography

” exhibition, sound of photography2 ” at Fotori creative art space for photography

" ingenue live , sound of photography2 " at Fotori creative art space for photography

” ingenue live , sound of photography2 ” at Fotori creative art space for photography

— information —
写真の音色2 by dezowazo
at 写真企画室ホトリ
東京都台東区浅草橋5-2-10 [map]

“Sound of Photography2”
group: dezowazo
at Fotori (creative art space for photography)
5-2-10 Asakusabashi Taito-ku, Tokyo